French Folk Song
Almétus Studio
Welcome to the studio website for Sarah Almétus! Here you can stay updated on upcoming events, such as concerts, workshops, and find information for local violin shops or where to buy your supplies!
Suzuki Play-In Nov 2009
The New Piece
The New Piece
We want our children to be motivated to learn new pieces, yet not allow them to rush ahead and make bad habits.
- Please keep in mind, your teacher has a reason for going the pace she is going.
- When children jump ahead (even with the consent of the parent) bad habits are formed. I.e. incorrect bowings, bad posture, wrong fingers, poor articulation, etc...
"If the child does learn incorrect bowings and fingersing, it's very difficult to undo this learning." p. 45All quotes from "To Learn with Love" by William & Constance Starr
"If deterring your child seems to cause a great batle, why not say that he can play straight through as a reward for having practiced carefully on certain passages? If it's a review piece, you can tell him to go ahead and play straight through the piece, but... give him one point to observe and report to you on that point after he finishes."
- This will teach them to always be aware in their playing, not to go into "automatic pilot" as well as to always be evaluating their own playing, not just waiting for mom or dad to give them the answer.
Practice Format & Goals
- Each practice session should have a goal, even if it is a number of correct repetitions.
- Parents, give them a choice between 2-3 goals you know that I may have assigned you during the week. This gives them some independence and a feeling they are in control, yet keeping some control within your grasp. ;o)
- There are always "bad days." On these days suggest a mini-concert for your family or stuffed animals or even pets! :-) When they play their pieces suggest a 1-point goal, but stick to only 1 or else the concert will probably not work!
Specific, Reasonably Hard, but Attainable Goals
- Give them a goal in which they can work a little to achieve, yet is not too hard for them and leaves them in frustration.
- We want them to know they can achieve it.
- This will give them more incentive and thus, they will put a little more effort into it.
Practice: When, Where, What, How much?
Practice: When, Where, What, How much?
- Where? Where there are no aural distractions and visual distractions are at a limit. Also consistency in location is best.
- When? Find a time they are most alert and, again, a consistent time always helps minimize arguments.
- What? Use the practice chart that is in your parent handbook or make one up of your own.
- How much? During the practice when you think they are beginning to tire introduce something different and even contrasting to that of what they are doing. Do something you know they will enjoy.
"Psychologists agree that a given amount of practice time distributed over several short sessions, with rest or contrasting activities in between, leads to more learning than the same amount of time spent in continuous practice." p. 36
Basically, the brain needs breaks once in a while.
Overlearning: Review
Overlearning: Review
Results are better retention...
- "Repetition should always be a vehicle for growth." p. 29
- There are always new techniques or goals you can set no matter how old the piece.
- "Suzuki always asks for the repetition to be 'better tempo, better tone, more musical, better intonation'." p. 29
Creating Good ones: It's OK to make mistakes.
- There are many built in habits we already have, so we may have to re-learn new ones for the violin. I.e. Bow arm: moving the forearm, but learning to keep the upper arm still.
- "This is why Suzuki insists beginners should move so slowly!" p. 26 To Learn with Love by William & Constance Starr
3 Phases of Skill Learning
Three Phases of Skill Learning
1. The learner understands what he is supposed to do
1. The learner understands what he is supposed to do
- Make sure you have them demonstrate what the assignment is to make sure they understand what they are supposed to be doing.
- Have your child "teach" you as well. This is a great way to see what they know and how they are perceiving any particular skill.
- Automatic feedback: i.e. identifying a wrong note will come as a result of listening.
- In their feedback parents be specific and give the feedback immediately after they play it.
- Find ways to have them discover their weaknesses themselves. I.e. Close your eyes and feel yourself draw the bow straight...
- I.e. On a review piece they know well, ask them simple one-answer questions that they have to answer while playing.
Studio Concerts & Events Fall '09
Concerts and General Events for the
Almetus Studio
Almetus Studio
Friday, November 6 @ 5:30 - Suzuki Play-In
Monday, December 21 - Makeup day for any missed lessons during the Fall
- Including other studios in Davis, Sacramento & Fairfield
- Tuning at 5:00
- Unitarian Church of Davis
- Nominal concert fee - TBA
- Potluck following - see Mrs. Almetus for sign-up sheet
- See flier from your Mrs. Almetus for more details
- You still have lessons!!!
- Come at 3:10 to get your instruments tuned.
- El Macero Country Club
- Donation of $10-15 per family for location and food after the recital :-)
- Thanks to Jen Barth for organizing this!
Monday, December 21 - Makeup day for any missed lessons during the Fall
Concerts and Events for the Spring/Summer 2009
Concerts & Events for the Spring/Summer 2009
Thursday, May 21 @ 7pm: Davis Combine Jr High Orchestra's Finale Concert @ Davis High in the TheatreFriday, May 29: Davis High School Orchestras Finale Concert
June 11: Studio recital TBA * * Bring your favorite snack * *
June 12-21: Week break from lessons!
Monday, June 8: Continue summer lessons!
Thursday, August 28: Last lesson of the Summer
Monday, August 31: Makeups for any missed lessons in the summer
Videos: Humoresque, Tango & Concerto in a minor, by Bach
Here are some videos I hope will be helpful to your practices...
Humoresque from Suzuki, Vol. 3
This one was a little too large to upload,
so if anyone wants to download it I can
make a CD of it for you.% ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^
% ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^
Concerto No. 1 in a minor by J.S. Bach
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