The New Piece
We want our children to be motivated to learn new pieces, yet not allow them to rush ahead and make bad habits.
- Please keep in mind, your teacher has a reason for going the pace she is going.
- When children jump ahead (even with the consent of the parent) bad habits are formed. I.e. incorrect bowings, bad posture, wrong fingers, poor articulation, etc...
"If the child does learn incorrect bowings and fingersing, it's very difficult to undo this learning." p. 45All quotes from "To Learn with Love" by William & Constance Starr
"If deterring your child seems to cause a great batle, why not say that he can play straight through as a reward for having practiced carefully on certain passages? If it's a review piece, you can tell him to go ahead and play straight through the piece, but... give him one point to observe and report to you on that point after he finishes."
- This will teach them to always be aware in their playing, not to go into "automatic pilot" as well as to always be evaluating their own playing, not just waiting for mom or dad to give them the answer.