Almétus Studio

Welcome to the studio website for Sarah Almétus! Here you can stay updated on upcoming events, such as concerts, workshops, and find information for local violin shops or where to buy your supplies!


Long-Lost Picture & Video

I was downloading a video I did today in class and found out that I had completely forgotten to upload this amazing picture of Zoe and the cute video of Ellie and Alex! Enjoy!!!

Look at those amazingly curved fingers on Zoe's bowhold! 
I love it :-)
April 19.2012

Here is a great video of Ellie and Alex playing French Folk Song.
They were so nicely moving to the music too!

April 18.2012
Great job you two!

Sorry, if you happened to receive two e-mails of this post I accidentally deleted the first one... ;-)


Dance for the Theme from "Witches' Dance"

Theme from "Witches' Dance"

Dance for the Monstrous Monday Costume Concert