January 9 (Fri): Rehearsals with accompanist
at Sarah’s place
January 10 (Sat): Solo Recital, location Unitarian
Church of Davis. Reception to follow
at the Almétus Studio
Picnic Day event required for
Elementary (Book
1-2) students
17 (Fri): Rehearsal for Picnic day – will practice marching and playing.
Location and time TBA
April 18 (Sat): Picnic Day – marching/playing in the parade. More details TBA
January 23 (Fri): Suzuki
Graduation recordings due
February 7 (Sat) at 10:30am: Twinkle Graduation - only for those just graduating the Twinkle variations
February 7 (Sat) at 10:30am: Twinkle Graduation - only for those just graduating the Twinkle variations
March 22 (Sun): Suzuki
Graduation. There will be a rehearsal before the concert. Location and time TBA
May 17 (Sun): Spring Studio Solo Recital
– Location and time TBA, but will be later in the afternoon.
- If this date doesn’t work for most then we may try another date in late May or early Jun