Almétus Studio

Welcome to the studio website for Sarah Almétus! Here you can stay updated on upcoming events, such as concerts, workshops, and find information for local violin shops or where to buy your supplies!


Throwback ... almost Thursday!

Throwback Thursday

Jiab, Gulab's mom was nice to share all these pictures with me. I decided to just upload them and let you relive the moments! 

Lots of fun times in the last year or so!

Do you remember these concerts? 
When we used to all be together!?

Missing all my students! 

(face to face)


Links for Online Violin lessons


Links to

Sheet Music

The above link will take you to the page where you
will find folders that organize different music by level.
Find the appropriate music you need and copy the markings that you need 
for new pieces you are learning.
  • I organized most of the music by books
  • Some by type, I.e. Exercises or Flashcards, etc...
I also updated a new folder on my Google Drive where you can find
These are organized by:

  • Supplementary Videos - so far only Pachelbel's Canon in D is in there
  • Book 2 Videos
  • Etude Videos - Again only Doflein so far. (This is not Etude from book 1, this is extra videos from exercise books with duets that you can play along with)
  • Videos of various Scales
    • You can also find many of these scales on the YouTube Playlist - Studio: Scales

Don't forget to check out my different YouTube links that have
videos for learning new scales, techniques or playing with an accompanist.

You can also go to the Practice Recordings page to help you find the audio recordings you need to practice your current piece. I don't have all of the books, but many are there. 

New Suzuki mp3 recordings to download by 

Hilary Hahn. See the Alfred Suzuki Page.  
Scroll down to "Where to Purchase" You can find several links for Volumes 1-3
There are 3 different types of downloads: 
Amazon, Alfred or iTunes.