Almétus Studio

Welcome to the studio website for Sarah Almétus! Here you can stay updated on upcoming events, such as concerts, workshops, and find information for local violin shops or where to buy your supplies!



Apple Hill

Ellie looking very professional
 and me hovering in the background! 

Video of the Twinkles

Weird and Wacky Wednesday
Halloween Concert

Alex and Mady

Agnes and the cowgirl?

Witches' Dance

AND the dance!

Amara & Ellie


Very cute!

Mady and her very nice bowhold!!!!!:-D

Dreydl - melody; singing verse+playing chorus

with new bowings

Julian and Claire 

helping with the words

Rudolph with Intro
(sorry it is kind of dark)


Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun Concert
August 2011

Once again, I received pictures and forgot to upload them...
Here they are!!!

Madison leading the group

Alex leading
Mrs. Almetus leading too!


Good posture Alex!

Great use of bow Mady!

Way to go Armand :-)

Amara leading Twinkle Theme
Almetus Studio
Amaryn and Julian chatting away!

Ready, set, goooooo!
Bombs away!
Armand and his dog

Conchita??? Is that right? :-)

Julian and me trying out the water...

General list of Concerts 2011-2012

Almetus Music Studio
List of Concerts for 

  • September 25 @ 1:30pm: Apple Hill – (SMAC) group concert 
  • October 1 @ 11am: Twinkle Tea – Twinkle Graduation concert – Almétus Music Studio 
  • Wed, October 26 @ 6:15 pm: Weird & Wacky Wednesday group concert
    • Costume Concert
  • November 6(Sun) 3:00pm: Studio solo recital UU (library)
  • December 3 @ 3:00pm: Holiday concert – caroling concert in Willow’s clubhouse 
    • Gingerbread house contest :-D 
  • February/March: [Feb 25] Group concert 
  • March: Suzuki Graduation recital (SMAC)
    • More info TBA
  • Apr 28 @ 5pm: Studio solo recital UU 
  • June 9 @ 11am: [If not, maybe 5/19] Fun in the Sun group concert 
  • August 18 or 25: studio get-together/BBQ (no violins)

Beautifully round bowhold!

Beautiful bowholds make me happy!

Twinkle Tea

Twinkle Tea

Graduation Concert:

Presentation of the Graduation Certificates

Ellie's Graduation Certificate

Paige's Graduation Certificate

Twinkle Group

Congratulations everyone (students and parents) for all your hard work!


latest examples: June 8, 2011

Here are my latest studio pictures.  

Paige, Mady and Taylor all
had really nice technique.  

See the pictures and videos below

Paige's beautifully straight violin wrist

Madison was working on her straight bow
Great job!

I just love how Taylor moves to the music!


Twinkle: Dr. Suzuki pno accomp

Variation Dr. Suzuki
Piano accompaniment only 


Amara and Armand

I know I haven't done this in a while... 
I try!

Anyways, here is a picture of Amara:
I liked her nice round bowhold 
and her posture was looking pretty good too!


 The following video is a clip of Armand playing Perpetual Motion.
I too liked his flexible fingers in his bowhold while playing this piece.
(with Julian's duet in the background)


Concert at the Ranch

Concert at the Barth Ranch

Thanks everyone! 

It was really a beautiful day...
Here are some other pics that I 
completely forgot to upload: 

Mady & Alex: Two matching cuties!

Smile Ellie!

 Amaryn hanging out and 
looking very cute!

Todd and Miles (the future violinist)

Taylor & Julian having an in depth conversation!


Just chillin'!

A majority of the Almetus Studio hanging out!

If you have anymore pictures...
send them my way & I will upload them!