Almétus Studio

Welcome to the studio website for Sarah Almétus! Here you can stay updated on upcoming events, such as concerts, workshops, and find information for local violin shops or where to buy your supplies!


Julian's group class b-day

Julian's Bk 1-2 Group Class
Birthday Party

Thanks Desiree for suggesting and bringing the cake...
Everyone enjoyed it, but Julian especially loved his first taste of chocolate!
I am sure he has my love for chocolate ;-D

January Solo Recital: Pictures!

Solo Recital
January 2011

So, once again I have taken several months to put pictures up. I usually go through my pictures and it hits me that I never uploaded them. Enjoy! :-) If anyone still has pictures you can always send them and I can add them.

Also, feel free to send me any random pics you may take during lessons or group or even of home concerts, etc... I love to post and share them!!!

Amara & Hope


Ellie & her dad (Eugene)

Desiree and Julian
(Thanks soooo much Desiree!!!)

Armand and his Uncle
looking, might I add, very serious!

Cameron and me

The following are pictures I captured after they finished playing...

this is so I wouldn't mess them up while they were actually playing!
So you will see mostly bows.






(remembering to acknowledge the accompanist)

Last, but not least:
Our group picture!



Turkey - mid bk 1: 2nd half (close up)

Turkey in the Straw:
Mid bk 1 - 2
Close up - 2nd half of piece

Allegro: violin



Spring Concert Calendar 2011

Studio Concert Calendar for Spring 2011
  • Sunday, April 17 @ 2pm - Group Concert at the Barth Ranch
  • May - TBA - Group concert at the University Retirement Center
  • I will announce the time & specific date very soon
  • Saturday, June 11 @ 3pm - Spring Studio Solo Recital at Ellie's home
I just wanted to send this information out so you could get it on your calendars. I will be making and sending out fliers with more specific information soon!



Turkey in the Straw: Bk 2 version

Turkey in the Straw:
Full version -
book 2

May Song: Violin

May Song:
Violin only


Turkey in The Straw: Bk 1-2 Slow

Turkey in the Straw
Mid Book 1-2 level
SLOW - 1st section
